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    Plumm Vintage Sparkling - Wine Glasses 12 pack

    $215.00 NZD
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    Product description

    Designed for Sparkling Wine & Champagne. Developed with some of the great champagne and sparkling houses, the Plumm Sparkling glass is designed to create the perfect balance of aroma, flavour and sustain the beading of the wine. Plumm Vintage provides a slice of everyday luxury for those who love drinking great wine minus the pomp and ceremony. Manufactured from premium European crystal, this dishwasher friendly range is designed to be used every single day.

    Plumm Brand Information
    Designed for wine, the Plumm story is one of elegance and simplicity. We’ve been making wine glasses since 2009 – the only wine glass brand owned by a wine company. We know wine, and we know that enjoying it in the right glass can be the difference between a good glass of wine and a great one. We work with top winemakers, sommeliers and restaurants in Australia and around the world to create wine glasses that are both beautiful and practical. There are thousands of different grape varietals but most fall into a few specific styles. Our collections are designed to elevate those styles, eliminating the need for a glass for every varietal. Wine can be complicated, but wine glasses shouldn’t be. Australian owned and made from the finest European crystal, Plumm enhances your wine experience and keeps it simple. So next time you open a bottle of wine, pour it in Plumm.

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    Plumm Vintage Sparkling - Wine Glasses 12 pack

    $215.00 NZD

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